Minecraft world is more extensive than your imagination, and it has some unique locations that are incredibly interesting, and the landscapes are full of jaw-dropping vistas. And these locations have a unique code related to them which is their location code that one can use to load the place on their account. These special codes are known as Minecraft world seeds, and miners have already located various locations from the Minecraft world.
As there are seeds for popular location in the Minecraft world, so is for your Minecraft gameplay. Later in this article, we will tell you how to know your own Minecraft seed, but first, we will see some fantastic world seeds that miners around the world discovered.
Minecraft Title Screen As You See It When The Game Begins
What could be better than beginning with the Minecraft title screen world. So, for many years, it was a mystery where the title screen of Minecraft is located in the virtual world. And finally, Redditors announced the whereabouts of the location and shared the seed for it. If you also want to see the place, you can use the seed available at mcleaked or other websites and visit the site for yourself.
Mountain Cliff Or Woodland Mansion Or Frozen Island – What’s Your Jam?
What would you like to see more in the Minecraft world more right now; a mountain cliff, a woodland mansion standing alone in the middle of a forest, or a frozen island surrounded by water and inhabited by polar bears? Because all these are now discovered in the virtual world of Minecraft, and their seeds are shared with the public on the internet.
So, whatever suits your mood at the moment and whatever place you feel like exploring, you can see visit easily using the Minecraft world seeds.
List Of Must-Visit Minecraft Worlds Whose Seeds Are Now Available
Some places in Minecraft are worth visiting as the developers have created the site with utmost glory and created some art that is rare to find anywhere else. Some of such forum favorite locations in the Minecraft world are as follows.
- Mountain archway
- Lava and waterfalls
- Deep ravine and gold ore
- Mountain in the sky
- Obsidian farm
- Spruce village and coral reef
How To Visit A Location With The Seed And To Know Yours?
It is easy to open any Minecraft world on your account if you have the running speed for the location. The seeds are simple digit codes that you can get from mcleaked or any other website. And once you have them, all you have to do is place them in the seed field. And, in a while, the game will load the world on your screen, open for exploring.
To know the seed of a world, you have to the title screen and click on the world first. Then in the menu below, choose the re-create option. Once in, you will see the “more world options” button, clicking on which will show you the seeds of that world.