Have you been trying to quit smoking but all remedies do not seem to work for you? If you have used thousands of nicotine patches and the like, you are just wasting your money on inefficient solutions.
One of the best answers for those who want to quit smoking is the Varenicline or popularly known as the Champix. More and more smokers now buy Champix because of the successful results and great reviews given by those who have already used it. It is a prescription drug that aims to help everyone who wants to stop smoking cigarettes and even tobaccos.
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There are two reasons why smokers use Champix and say that this is a very effective prescription drug. For one, it helps the smoker to have reduced craving for cigarette particular the nicotine. This happens when the active ingredients in the Champix binds with the nicotine receptors which can be found in the brain. At the same time, it would also decrease the withdrawal symptoms as well. Second, the Champix can prevent the smokers from getting any kind of pleasure whenever they use the cigarette.
Hundreds of tests were already done in order to prove the efficiency of Champix. According to the recent studies made on varenicline, there were about 45 percent of the smokers who successfully stopped their addiction to cigarettes after using Champix for 12 consecutive weeks. This is a high percentage compared to the number of smokers who used placebo and quit. Aside from that, it has been proven to be two times effective compared to “quit smoking” treatments like the Zyban or the Bupropion.
Since it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2006, more smokers bought and trusted this prescription pill. As a matter of fact, several doctors have been advising their patients to use it for their treatment as well. Even though healthcare specialists recommend that the user to take Champix for 12 weeks, there is still no harm if they would use the said pill for another 12 weeks more. In this way, they would be able to completely get smoking out of their system and would never go back to being a smoker again.